Review of Gendered Asylum: Race and Violence in U.S. Law and Politics by Sara L. McKinnon. Quarterly Journal of Speech. (2017)
“Affective Relations and Alterity: The Rhetorical Imperative and Rupture in Identification in International Human Rights Discourse.” Review essay on Spectacular Rhetorics and Inessential Solidarity. Journal of Advanced Composition. (Forthcoming)
Review of The Post-Racial Mystique: Media and Race in the Twenty-First Century by Catherine Squires. Reviews in Cultural Theory. (2014)
Review of Translingual Practice: Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Relations by Suresh Canagarajah. Critical Multilingualism Studies 2.1 (2014): 170-173.
Review of The Cultural Economy of Falun Gong in China: A Rhetorical Perspective by Xiao Ming. Enculturaltion 17 (2014).
Review of Decolonizing Literacy: Mexican Lives in the Era of Global Capitalism by Gregorio Hernandez-Zamora. Journal of College Literacy and Learning 38 (2012): 38-39.
Review of Un/Common Culture: Racism and the Rearticulation of Cultural Difference by Kamela Visweswaran. Co-authored with Zachary Marshall, Intervention 13.3 (2011): 517-519.